Based in Johannesburg, South Africa, Heavenly International Tours specializes in Walk Where Jesus Walked tour packages. We are an exclusive tour operator specializing in travel to Israel, Turkey, Jordan, Greece and Italy since 1994.

Walk Where Jesus Walked is the theme of all our tours in the Holy Land. We follow Jesus footsteps From Nazareth where the angel announced of his birth and his manhood place to Bethlehem his birthplace. We follow his steps in the Galilee where is set up his ministry and chose the disciples. He then walked along the Jordan River to Mount of Temptation and baptised in the Jordan River by John the Baptist at a place called today Qasar El Yahud. We continue to Jerusalem where foresaw the destruction of the Temple. In Jerusalem we then visit all his milestone. Our tours visit all the sites sacred to Christianity (click on the links below for more information): NazarethCanaMount TaborTiberiasSea of GalileeCapernaumTabghaMt. BeatitudesBaptismal Site at Jordan RiverCaesaria PhillipiMount CarmelMegiddoCaesariaJaffaEin KaremBethlehemJerichoMount of TemptationDead SeaQumranMassadaEin GediJerusalemCity of DavidSiloam TunnelTemple MountPools of BethesdaVia DolorosaEcce Homo ArchChurh of Holy SepulchreRoom of Last SupperGarden TombGathsemaneWestern WallOld City WallsIsrael Museum & Dead Sea ScrollsYad Vashem.